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英语和 考据学B.A.

探索 creative expression across a broad array of texts—novels, 戏剧, 电影, 数码媒体及其他. Interpret motivations behind stories of yesterday 和 today 和 hone your skills as a writer.
The iconic Hall of Languages is home to 澳门线上赌场


  • Take engaging 和 unique courses exploring how literature, creative writing 和 screen media intersect with environmental issues, 性别与性, critical race 和 ethnic studies 和 global cultures.
  • Enjoy small class sizes that are designed to promote discussion 和 creative work.
  • 学习 from experts: Professors in the Department of English are literary historians, 重要的理论家, 电影学者, 编辑器, poets 和 novelists who approach the field in a variety of ways.
  • Specialize in 电影 和 screen studies as a track option 和 take classes on unique topics like Hollywood cinema, 视频游戏和纪实媒体.
  • Make social connections through campus organizations like our chapter of the English Honors Society Sigma Tau Delta, the 性别-inclusive cinematic professional fraternity Delta Kappa Alpha, 我们的电影俱乐部, our weekly writing gathering for creative writers (Write Out) or our department outreach 和 engagement team of English Ambassadors.
  • Partake as an English student in one of literature’s highest goals: to give voice to a plurality of experiences 和 worldviews, learning through assigned readings that represent various cultures, 经验的等级和模式.









Exterior of Hall of languages building


The 文理学院 (A&S) is 澳门线上赌场’s first 和 largest college. 作为文科的发源地, our internationally recognized programs provide the cornerstone of a 澳门线上赌场 education with 50+ majors in the natural sciences 和 mathematics, the humanities 和 the social sciences (in partnership with the Maxwell School of Citizenship 和 Public Affairs).


While your courses will certainly feature well-known literary texts from the past 和 present, you will also focus on neglected literary works, 电影 和 other forms of audio-visual media, historical documents 和 non-fictive forms that also dem和 interpretation. 进一步, you will consider the cultural discourses 和 social institutions that influence acts of reading 和 writing. 可选 电影 和 screen studies concentration will allow you to explore the rich 和 diverse histories of “screen culture” 和 develop the skills to interpret it.

  • Recognize how meanings are created through acts of critical reading 和 analysis of texts.
  • Analyze texts in relation to their aesthetics, forms 和 genres.
  • Analyze texts using theoretical paradigms for literary 和 cultural studies.
  • Analyze texts in relation to their historical contexts 和 as bearers of political 和 ethical meaning 和 as mediators of power relationships.
  • Analyze the way texts construct categories of difference, 包括种族差异, 种族, 国籍, 性别, 性与阶级.
  • 制定持续的解释, analytical or conceptual arguments based on evidence drawn from texts.
  • 发展研究技能和方法.

  • Narratives of Culture: Introduction to Issues of Critical Reading
  • Hip Hop 和 Ya Don’t Stop: Issues, Debates 和 Controversies
  • 《战争与和平文学
  • 科幻小说
  • 《世界文学,1000年至今




Through the 雷蒙德·卡弗阅读系列, you can attend readings by 12-14 prominent writers, 后面跟着一个Q&与作者的对话. Recent authors include Sarah Shun-lien Bynum, 贾马尔可能, 莫妮卡的梦想, 泰勒布兰登, 瓦Luiselli, 伊利亚·卡明斯基和珀西瓦尔·埃弗雷特.



Write Out is a community writing collective that partners University students, local writers 和 professional authors with youth-focused afterschool programs to provide a joyful literary experience. The program is co-designed with public-facing community organizations to provide youth a space to share their own stories—on their own terms.



Through many student-run publications 和 campus organizations, 磨练你的写作能力, meet peers with common interests 和 enjoy professional development 和 networking opportunities in writing 和 other related fields. 考虑以下出版物 《橘子日报》,穆迪杂志OutCrowd杂志; 和 student groups like Write Out 和 Nu Rho Poetic Society.



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